Balu Abroad

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1702 Wicklow gaol (jail)

2010.07.01. 21:04 :: TIMAKBALU

Egy 17.szazadi bortonben jartunk kb 40 cellaban voltunk bent,idegenvezetessel,korhu jelmezben.A tortenetet itt olvashatjatok angolul:

The building of Wicklow Gaol commenced in 1702 and was completed within a few years. The earliest recorded prisoner was Fr. Owen Mc Fee, a seventy two year old priest, who was convicted of saying Mass in the County contrary to the law. He was sentenced to transportation to a British colony in America in 1716. Conditions within the Gaols at this time were appauling , Gaolers were paid a wage and from this expected to supply prisoners with food, bedding, heat, lighting and clothing. Many of these Gaolers were themselves unsavory characters and were open to bribery and corruption. At this time there was little, if any, supervision of the prison system. The Gaoler was responsible to no overseeing body. For those poor prisoners who were imprisoned as debtors with no money or means to pay the Gaoler, life in the Gaol was extremely harsh. Prisoners were held together in rooms and it was not until prison legislation in 1763 that the separation of prisoners - male and female, tried from untried and sane from insane - was introduced.


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