Balu Abroad

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Friss topikok

  • drmctyuk: hat igen, kene.. (2012.09.06. 16:53) Alhama de Murcia
  • drmctyuk: good luck! (2012.07.10. 08:50) 5.év
  • pumpk_in: Boldog Nevnapot Balu!:) (2011.02.03. 21:31) Business plan
  • pumpk_in: zsirf.. telleg regota mondod mar ezt, ugyhogy kivancsi leszek milyen lesz. majd johet a beszamolo! (2010.09.21. 16:26) Egyiptom
  • pumpk_in: kemeny. gratula! (2010.07.23. 09:48) Driving licence



Ferns Castle,St Peter Church,St Marie cathedral A.D.600

2010.05.16. 15:48 :: TIMAKBALU

Ferns is believed to have been established in the 6th century, when a monastery was founded in 598 dedicated to St Mogue of Clonmore who was a Bishop of Ferns.[6] The town became the capital of the Kingdom of Leinster when the kings of that southern part of the province established their seat of…

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